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3 Tips to Adjust to Life After a Gray Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on May 17,2024 in Divorce

Wheaton, IL divorce after 50 lawyerGetting divorced after 50 comes with a unique set of challenges. There are more finances to divide, adult children to consider, and inheritances to protect. But life after a gray divorce can be just as difficult as life before, if not more so. Starting over is easier when you are in earlier stages of life, but it can get harder as age increases.

Hiring the right Illinois attorney can be a game-changer. A lawyer who has experience with gray divorce will not only be able to help you with the divorce process but can also assist you with beginning your post-divorce life. 

Why Is it Harder to Adjust After a Gray Divorce?

Life after divorce in the 20s or 30s is in many ways still familiar to former spouses. Children still need raising, careers are still blooming, and savings still need growing. But life after divorce in your 50s or later is more challenging for several reasons:

  • Women who divorce after 50 often have less work experience and may now need to enter an unfamiliar job market.

  • It is harder to find work around retirement age.

  • Assets such as the family home and retirement savings are split between the spouses, which means spouses may no longer have access to all the resources they long relied on.

  • Children have grown and may have moved away, which can intensify feelings of loneliness for the parents.

  • Routines that have been followed for decades abruptly come to an end.

There are, however, ways to make life after divorce less jarring.

Lean on Your Support Circle

If you are getting divorced in your 50s or later, you have likely developed a support circle of friends and family members. This is no time to be bashful; let them know that you need their emotional support as you transition. You may want to ask your children to bring the grandkids around more often or consider asking your friends for more coffee dates.

If you do not have a solid support circle, this is a great time to start building one.

Develop Routines

Making the switch from a married life to a single life will take getting used to. But the psychological and emotional toll will be softened if your new life has stability and consistency. This means developing new routines to replace the old ones. It can help to create a tight schedule for the first few months that is healthy and productive.

Contact a Naperville, IL Gray Divorce Attorney

Another great way to adjust to life after a gray divorce is to hire an experienced DuPage, Illinois gray divorce lawyer. An attorney who is familiar with gray divorces will be able to guide you in preparing for life after your marriage ends. 

At Divorce Over 50 - Goostree Law Group, we not only have extensive experience handling gray divorces but we also have a robust team of professionals ready to assist you beyond the divorce process itself. Our compassionate attorneys and certified divorce coach will connect you with the right resources that can help you make a healthy new start. Call 630-634-5050 for a free consultation today.

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