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Understanding the Emotional and Social Aspects of Gray Divorce

 Posted on August 14,2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerDivorce can be tough at any age, but when it happens later in life—often called "gray divorce"—it can come with its own set of challenges. If you are an older adult going through a divorce in Illinois, it is important to understand the emotional and social effects it can have on you. To learn more, speak with an experienced DuPage County, IL gray divorce lawyer who has guided others through this unique process.

Emotional Challenges of Gray Divorce

Divorce later in life is becoming much more common. As the number of people getting divorced in their fifties and older increases, society is becoming more aware of the unique emotional aspects of this type of divorce. A breakup at any age can be painful, and divorce can always come with feelings of loss, confusion, disappointment, and anger.

When it happens later in life, there is an added layer as you realize that the future you had worked toward for years will not end up happening as you hoped. Whether you are more focused on the financial aspects of your retirement plans or the way you imagined spending your non-working years, what you had envisioned and planned for is likely not realistic anymore.

Social Challenges of Gray Divorce

Gray divorce also presents social challenges. After years of being a couple, it can feel daunting to rebuild your social life. You might also need to navigate new family dynamics, including how to handle holidays or family gatherings.

Similar to the emotional challenges listed above, social challenges are not uniquely an issue for older adults getting divorced. However, with most romantic movies and shows focusing on finding someone "to grow old with," we are often led to think that that is the main point of a marriage. It can be overwhelming to start growing older and suddenly find yourself on your own.

Additionally, your social circle likely includes other couples whom you have spent time with over the years. You might feel uncomfortable hanging out with your friends if you are the only single person, yet it can be challenging making new friends at this stage in life.

Starting over after Gray Divorce

While getting a divorce later in life has its challenges, the good news is you have a chance at a fresh start. After being in an unhealthy marriage for so long, having the freedom to do what you want and go wherever you feel like can be an enormous relief. There are several practical things you can do to help you overcome the emotional and social challenges of your divorce:

  • Get involved in community activities or support groups. Churches, community centers, and local charities offer ways to become active in a cause and connect with others. 
  • Join a class. Whether there is an art skill you always wanted to learn or you are interested in something more physical like Tai Chi, joining a class is a great way to meet new people while doing something you enjoy.
  • Go to therapy. The challenges and changes in your life can be destabilizing. A therapist with experience helping patients navigate this transition can be very useful.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Wheaton, IL Gray Divorce Attorney

Gray divorce can be emotionally and socially challenging. A compassionate Naperville, IL gray divorce lawyer can help you find customized solutions as you navigate this new chapter in your life. At Divorce Over 50 - Goostree Law Group, we are dedicated to helping you turn the page so you are ready for a fresh start. You do not need to face this journey alone. Call us at 630-634-5050 so we can guide you through it.

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